1.牛津大学(英语:University of Cambridge;勋衔:Cantab)
专业:MPhil in Public Health
This full-time course is designed to provide successful students with the
necessary theoretical knowledge and skills which, when combined with appropriate
further experience, will enable them to make a professional contribution to
public health. Approximately two-thirds of the curriculum is shared with the
MPhil in Epidemiology. The course draws on local strengths in quantitative
methods and their application to the solution of public health problems. It
covers most of the curriculum for the UK Faculty of Health Part A examination.
Throughout the course students are able to draw on the research expertise within
the Institute of Public Health and wider expertise in the University. T
2.华威大学(University of Warwick)
专业:Masters in Public Health (MPH)
The Masters in Public Health (MPH) course is an interdisciplinary degree,
drawing upon expertise across a wide range of subject areas and seeks to explore
the complexity of Public Health issues in the UK and internationally.
The course aims to provide relevant qualifications to meet national and
international needs for a skilled public health workforce and to prepare
students for further academic study with a view to academic careers.
The course provides students with the opportunity to develop and
demonstrate systematic knowledge and understanding in a wide range of public
health areas.
This is reinforced with the optional modules offered on the course,
allowing students to pursue their own health-related interests.
Overall, the course aims to provide a focused learning experience, suitable
for full- and part-time, UK and international students in a stimulating
research-led teaching environment.
附加规定:All applicants require experience within the public health field,
either paid or voluntary, ideally for 3 years.(三年的有关工作经验)
3.曼彻斯特学校(The University of Manchester)
专业:Public Health (Web-based Learning)
4.利兹大学(The University of Leeds)
专业: Public Health (International) MPH
This programme provides public health professionals with an understanding
of the health needs of populations and how to effectively intervene to
strengthen health systems and improve health in an international context.
特别要求:In exceptional cases, we may accept extensive work experience in
public health instead. All applicants must have at least two years’
international public health professional experience. 务必规定2年的工作经验
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